All Aurora schools have the following curriculum principles:
All of our schools utilise Aurora’s Primary Curriculum which has been designed by our curriculum development team. Our reading curriculum includes using Read Write Inc for the teaching of phonics as well as Daily Supported Reader and Destination Reader. The robust reading curriculum framework and high quality training for staff provides a strong foundation for pupil success in other subjects. Each Aurora school is a member of its local maths hub and follows a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics.
In the foundation subjects, Aurora's Primary curriculum includes science, history, geography, art and design, design technology, wellbeing (PSHE and RSE) and RE. Curriculum design is focused on ensuring that substantive and disciplinary knowledge is taught so that pupils become knowledgeable in each subject area but also understand the distinctiveness of each subject and the role it plays in our understanding of the world. Each subject has key concepts identified that are revisited over time so that pupils develop a sound understanding as they progress through school. Work is underway on developing the equivalent for key stage three and for the remaining foundation subjects.
Our early years curriculum clearly sets out the knowledge and skills we want our pupils to master from birth to four. It is based firmly on the early years statutory framework but links to the Aurora Primary Curriculum so that learning flows seamlessly from the reception year into year one.