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    Creating opportunity and success for all our pupils

    King Offa Nursery Outstanding in all areas

    Summary of Key findings from the Ofsted inspection in August 2019Link to the full Ofsted Report

    Teaching is exemplary. Staff extend children's learning expertly, consistently encouraging them to think for themselves and solve highly challenging problems. Children delight in working things out and excitedly share their views, make predictions and test out their ideas. All children make rapid progress from their starting points.

    The truly inspirational manager and the trust's directors have worked tirelessly to achieve an outstanding level of care and learning. Together with their remarkable staff, they have broadened children's experiences immensely. For example, children now visit the residents of a local retirement home weekly. From this, children have developed exceptional respect and consideration for their new older friends.

    All staff are extremely supportive and attentive to every child's needs. They know children thoroughly and build superb bonds with them. Children are exceedingly happy and secure and demonstrate an incredible sense of belonging. They explore the adventurous nursery environment with supreme confidence and are highly enthusiastic and motivated learners.

    The manager and staff make expert use of exceptionally reflective and accurate assessments of children's learning. They monitor the development of all children rigorously and ensure that any gaps in learning are acted on and closed rapidly.

    Staff provide parents with extensive support. They consistently share extremely detailed information about children's learning and value all information that is shared with them. Staff provide inspiring activities and books to help parents support children's specific next steps, life experiences and emotional needs at home. Parents' feedback is overwhelmingly positive about the superb quality of care.