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    Creating opportunity and success for all our pupils

    Career Opportuntines in the USA


    Our partnership with Pansophic learning means that we have links with schools around the world. We have taken advantage of this connection to schools located in the United States of America and this allows us to offer some unique opportunities to Aurora employees.


    For the last five years, Aurora has been able to offer employees the opportunity to take part in our US exchange programme. This has seen over thirty staff take a trip to Banning Lewis Ranch Academy in Colorado Springs to learn more about the US school system, compare our systems of education and enjoy the cultural aspects of spending time in another country. Delegates on the exchange have included teachers and senior leaders but also our support and administrative staff. The exchange programme has helped enhance the skills and expertise of colleagues who have taken part and resulted in long lasting and meaningful connections between Aurora and Banning Lewis Ranch Academy.



    Our partnership with Pansophic learning allows us to offer teachers the opportunity to live and work in the USA under the J1 visa program with the guarantee of employment when back in the UK. To find out more about the J1 visa program and the requirements please follow this link